Mini Bikes


Mini offroad pocket bike built around an old frame with a continuously variable transmission and chain drive.

Inverted trike built from a 4 wheels ATV frame with a custom single wheel rear suspension and powered by a snowblower engine with a centrifugal clutch.

Offroad motorcycle with a modified frame and rebuilt rear suspension to accomodate a 6.5 hp engine from a generator.

This one is a stripped down lawn mower where the pulleys have been swapped to increase the speed.



Here is the frame we got from a scrap yard and used for the Spider.

This is the frame that kick started this project.

We got this motocross frame that we sawed off to add space for the engine.

We had the chance to have access to our University's machine shop for personal projects. The idea is to encourage students to learn how to use the machines.

The motocross sprocket fabrication represents the essence of this project. Here is what happened:
Let's machined our own sprocket to save money! Oops we screwed up on our first attempt, let's try again next to the hole we just machined. I guess we need a little taper on the teeth, we'll just grind it. Finally, we poorly welded the shaft to our beautiful sprocket.

The parts made on the CNC lathe were more precise than they had to be considering our other fabrication methods.

To make this project as cheap as possible, we used a lot of old rusted square beams, so we spent a lot of time grinding them for welding.

This square frame holding the motocross motor is a good example of rusted square beams welded together.

This is more representative of the precision we were looking for.

All the components are visually positioned and then brackets are added as needed.

We've spent so much time working on the vehicles, we were buying food and eating while working to be more efficient.

Engine problems were recurent during this project.


As soon as we got to the testing site (Maxime's house), Raphaël jumped on his mini bike to test it.

On this picture you can see 2 custom bikes made by Jean-Luc and an ATV we borrowed from Maxime's parents.

The testing weekend was fun and we've learned a lot doing these projects.

The second testing weekend was end of fall. It was cold, but fun enough not to care about the temperature.

The wood trails were harder to ride on because of our small/slick tires and the mud/ice on the ground.

This part of the trail was a good place to test the vehicles' maximum speed. Thomas surprised everyone doing a wheelie with his lawn mower!

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Los Angeles, US

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